Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A tempting offer to add on to my multi portfolio
Doing volunteer work has always been at the back of my mind, but I never get down to doing it. Part of the reason, other than not having enough time, is the lack of kakis. Despite my independent personality, some things just won't do it without kakis egging you on. I remembered years ago, I signed myself up at NVPC online portal, wanting to contribute to society. Sadly, no one bothered to follow up with me. This matter slipped my mind until today, when someone asked if I would be keen to join her. I'm getting a little excited by it, at the same time, having doubts of my commitment level. Will I be able to juggle well on top of so much things on hand now?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Great Saturday
Right now, as I'm typing this... I could feel my shoulders aching. Although it was a cycling trip, somehow my shoulders hurt more than the thighs. Something must be wrong with my posture. Anyway, it was a real good workout today. We cycled from east coast park and finished at changi beach. Total distance covered should be around 17km, and that's my record so far. I have never cycled THAT MUCH in my life. And for the first time, I felt that the coastal view of Singapore is beautiful. I would want to go cycling there again soon, after my exams.
It has been a great day, and I look forward to waking up with aching muscles tomorrow.
It has been a great day, and I look forward to waking up with aching muscles tomorrow.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Is my blog a little neglected?
Maybe. But sometimes I am just too tired to blog because my energy level gets zapped up really fast these days. Apart from the never-ending work, classes in the evening are the ones that really shagged me out (is there such an expression?) Anyways, I am trying to squeeze in some exercise time into my schedule. I'm putting on weight because I eat to destress, and my meals are always late because of my classes. NOT GOOD!!!! Plus, I have been getting migraines and headaches on a really regular basis. All these are signs of deteriorating health.
And something stupid happened to me today, I was so blur that I woke up this morning thinking that its FRIDAY. I was dressed down and wore my knickers to work. The first colleague who saw me in office this morning asked, "You think today is Friday ah?" What can I say man....? I must have SO looked forward to friday and I brought it forward myself. Damn.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
long over-due snippets of the Korea Trip
My first attempt at skiing, and I suck at it. Next time I'll try snow-boarding instead, it should be easier. The ski resort that I went to is called 'Bears Town Ski Resort' and nope, I didn't see any bears there. So i wonder why its named like that? One thing I learnt from this trip -- if you really want to ski, do it during the December / January months, because the Ski Classes operate on seasonal basis during the peak period. I was there during early winter and the Ski School wasn't even operating yet.
The friendly Korean dudes at the Ski Rental Shop. Because they couldn't understand much English, we kept using sign language to communicate, still... it turned out well. I shall master basic conversational Korean the next time I'm back to this country.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
안녕하 세 요
That's the basic formal greetings, an nyeong ha se yeo. Learning a new language is fun...! Suddenly, I have the ambition to speak many languages/ dialects.
English, Mandarin, Korean, next is Cantonese and Hokkien, followed by Japanese and Malay. I will be a Superstar translator in Asia.
English, Mandarin, Korean, next is Cantonese and Hokkien, followed by Japanese and Malay. I will be a Superstar translator in Asia.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Like still waters
中午約了中學同學吃午餐, 大家有一陣子沒見面, 所以得update一下近況. 已婚的就談起和家婆同在屋簷下的困擾, 有了伴侶的就談起與男友之間的相處之道, 剛辭職不幹的就談起在工作方面的問題. 而我似乎沒甚麼可以報導的. 除了學業, 就是工作. 我現處於平談的過日子, 愛情方面零消息, 事業方面可圈可點, 學業方面就慢慢的進展. 以前的我會對愛情方面有著很idealistic的想法, 現在的我對愛情是毫無渴望, just like still waters.
看破紅塵? 沒那麼誇張...
看破紅塵? 沒那麼誇張...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Damn the ERP
I took a cab home from town and back to the north eastern part of Singapore, via CTE at about 9.20pm.Yes I am guilty of not being up-to-date with the ERP timings (but there's really no reason for me to) and got a shock when the cashcard meter jumped by a dollar! DAMN it...
I was at Carrefour to shop for the ingredients for my weekend cooking, gonna make kimbap and cheesecake. Which means my ingredients just got 'level up' with that blardy taxi fare. I should have bought them at neighbourhood malls.
I was at Carrefour to shop for the ingredients for my weekend cooking, gonna make kimbap and cheesecake. Which means my ingredients just got 'level up' with that blardy taxi fare. I should have bought them at neighbourhood malls.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What do i do when i go online?
check gmail
check facebook
check youtube
check friend's blog
think if I want to update my own blog
read news
surf the net... randomly.
One friend asked me, what is there to surf on the internet, other than msn chatting and facebook? On the contrary, my msn and facebook is kept to the minimum. I spend lots of time surfing the internet for knowledge, for information, for inspiration. I enjoy it so much because I get so much information that I would never be able to get if not for the internet. I am constantly doing research, on how to 'enrich' myself.
Allow me to introduce this fantastic tool called 'stumbleupon'. You can customise the 'topics' you are interested in... and with a click on the stumbleupon button, it will bring you to recommended websites randomly according to your favourite topics. You will 'stumble upon' some really good stuffs...
check facebook
check youtube
check friend's blog
think if I want to update my own blog
read news
surf the net... randomly.
One friend asked me, what is there to surf on the internet, other than msn chatting and facebook? On the contrary, my msn and facebook is kept to the minimum. I spend lots of time surfing the internet for knowledge, for information, for inspiration. I enjoy it so much because I get so much information that I would never be able to get if not for the internet. I am constantly doing research, on how to 'enrich' myself.
Allow me to introduce this fantastic tool called 'stumbleupon'. You can customise the 'topics' you are interested in... and with a click on the stumbleupon button, it will bring you to recommended websites randomly according to your favourite topics. You will 'stumble upon' some really good stuffs...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A new learning journey
2 things that made me happy today. My HRM project came back with grades i'm satisfied with and today was the 1st lesson of Korean.
Despite being done with school projects, I find myself getting KO by midnight... this is not my typical sleeping time. I think the body is worn out for abit from the stressful June, gotta listen to the signals.
ZZz... im dozing off as I finish off this entry.
Despite being done with school projects, I find myself getting KO by midnight... this is not my typical sleeping time. I think the body is worn out for abit from the stressful June, gotta listen to the signals.
ZZz... im dozing off as I finish off this entry.
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