Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't compare with others, compare with yesterday

人的一生取決於努力多少、方向正確與否。不是和別人比,而是和昨天的自己比.前進一步就是勝利。-- 池田先生
This wise guidance was by Ikeda Sensei. I felt it today. I could feel that I am better than yesterday, and I see improvement everyday. I'm talking about my work.

After a long hiatus from Toastmaster, I was back last night. I took on the role of a project evaluator. Even though it was not the best evaluation, it was my best thus far. Even I was surprised. The mentality helps alot. I used to worry about not being able to deliver a proper evaluation, and true enough, I did not. I focused too much on myself. Last night, I changed my mindset to one that is more concerned of the speaker himself. I wanted to help the speaker to improve. That enables me to evaluate in a more objective way. So my public speaking skills have improved as well.

A table topic yesterday gave me an inspiration to write this : "If you could grow one thing, what would that be?"
It's not money, Financial planner could do that. It's not time, because time is meant to be managed, to do the most in the shortest time, to give people a sense of urgency. If I could grow one thing, that would be wisdom. When we have wisdom, we could make sound decisions. That saves time and money. When we have wisdom, we could earn favour in the workplace and make ourselves a more valuable employee.When we have wisdom, it could help us to work smarter, not harder. When we have wisdom, we are more secure about ourselves, and we tend to sleep better.

Unfortunately, wisdom cannot be grown just like that. It takes time and life experiences to accumulate and grow it. Even more unfortunate for some, no matter how old they are, they never become the wise old men.


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